We help exhausted parents teach their babies and toddlers to sleep well

So that you can have a happy, healthy family.

Let’s get some sleep

Join over 4000+ families who have taken our courses and are now getting better sleep.

Access Our Proven Baby Sleep Programs

Newborn Program

60 minutes

  • Delivered in 1-2 minute short videos
  • Love the newborn stage
  • Feel confident laying down healthy long-term sleep habits
  • While also soaking in all the newborn snuggles
  • Doesn't compromise bonding and closeness with your baby


Yes! I want help with my newborn

3-4 Months Program

40 minutes

  • Delivered in 1-2 minute short videos
  • Your baby is no longer a newborn
  • The dreaded four-month sleep regression may have started
  • Focuses on getting you out of exhaustion and into some consistent, predictable sleep


Yes! I want help my 3-4 month old

5-18 Months Program

100 minutes

  • Covers a much longer growth stage
  • Still just 1-2 minute, bite-sized videos
  • Our flagship, all-inclusive sleep program for 5-18 months
  • Removes the guesswork and includes everything you need to get your little one sleeping well


Yes! Get my 5-18 month old sleeping

Or Try Our More Targeted Courses for Specific Age-Related Issues

Short Nap Solutions (5-18)


60 minutes

Imagine this: Your child sleeps for two hours in the middle of the day . . .  in their crib!

What would you do if you knew you could get 1.5-2 hours of time consistently during the day when your baby sleeps?


Fix these cat naps

Early Morning Wakes


45 minutes

Is your little one waking up with the birds and you’re starting your day at 5am?
That makes it a long day!

No fluff or fillers, we’ve got four solutions to solve your little one’s early morning wakes.


Get my baby to wake later

Sleep Schedules for 5-18 Months


 40 minutes

Every day is different and your baby is fighting naps hard. No two days are the same.

You’re ready for consistent and predictable sleep and knowing how to plan your baby’s day without stressing about wake windows.


Let's get on a schedule

These families have had life changing experiences because of our program.

We love being a part of their journey to better sleep.

Watch Testimonials Here


I cannot say enough good things. I have tried several sleep programs before and this is the only one that got our son sleeping through the night. We seamlessly transitioned him to one nap a day, changed his eating and milk habits thanks to nutritional guidance built into the program, and found better sleep sacks per their recommendation. This program has everything you ever thought you needed and everything you never knew you needed. Cat and Con provide tons of support and troubleshooting tips for when you feel things aren’t working. I wish they had started their program ages ago!

Melissa Hawkins

Baby Sleep Team have an amazing program and I’m so appreciative of the support Catherine provided me over the last couple of months with my 9 month old bub. He has now been sleeping through the night, 11-12 hours straight! He also knows how to fall asleep by himself which means more time to spend with my husband. We had tried other programs and they just don’t compare to this one. It is so comprehensive and structured and covers everything you need to get your baby sleeping well. I love that there are so many options and guidelines as to how to choose the best settling technique, especially because every baby is different. Thank you so much for your help!

Bernadette Adams

I found this baby sleep program to be amazing and highly successful with my little one. Prior to commencing, my then 6 month old was hardly sleeping during the day and these little cat naps were very inconsistent and unpredictable. The easy to follow program ensured consistency and bub now has 2-3 very predictable sleeps during the day (in the process of dropping the afternoon one). The schedule suits us 100% as bub gives very few tired cues. I felt at ease having the flexibility to choose a settling technique that suited us to establish routine and felt strongly supported by the baby sleep team. I highly recommend.

Check Out Our Free Resources

Newborn Sleep Guide

Learn the 7 foundations to establish healthy sleep habits for your newborn.


Yes! Help my newborn!   → 

 Awake Windows Guide

Learn when to put your child to bed at the perfect time with age-appropriate wake windows from 0-3 years.


I’m in! Take me there.   → 

Short Nap Solutions Guide

Are short naps driving you crazy? Learn the 5 ways to help solve your little one’s short naps to help them sleep well during the day.

Heck yes! Sign me up!!   → 

Ideal Bedtime Routine Guide

Prepare your little one for blissful sleep with the ideal bedtime routine so they are ready for sleep.


Let's get started!   → 

Safe Sleep Checklist

Keep your baby safe with a Safe Sleep Checklist based on the American Association of Pediatrics guidelines.


Send me the Checklist   → 

Sleep Regressions Guide

Sleep regressions that occur during the first two years, so you know what’s coming and how to help your child through the developmental leaps.


Send me the Guide   → 

Imagine if you could

Imagine if you could


Consistently have your family sleeping all night long so you’re all well rested.


Put your baby down to sleep in their crib and they happily fall asleep on their own without needing you to put them to sleep.


Consistently and predictably have your little one take great naps during the day.


Not feel anxious in the evenings about bedtime because you know your baby will sleep well.


Teach your baby how to sleep well using methods that don’t compromise your parenting style or values.


Have the confidence to know how to respond to all the changes your baby goes through in the first 18 months.


All of this is possible . . . without giving up bonding and closeness with your little one.


Start Now

We’ve developed a comprehensive step-by-step program that removes all the guesswork.

We help you to teach your little one how to sleep well, even if you’ve tried other methods in the past without success.

After years of refining our programs, we've got it nailed down. Efficient, yet everything you need at each stage.

Over 4000 happy families (and counting) have trusted us to get their babies and families more sleep.


Take a look at our programs
Follow us @babysleepteam